Ten injured volunteers in Parral after falling from a roof


The night of this Thursday was recorded the fall of the roof of a building in the outbuildings of the cemetery of the Catillo area, in Parral, Maule Region and which left a total of 12 wounded, of whom ten are minors.

According to T13.cl the mayor of the commune, Paula Retamal the wounded correspond the students who built a building as part of a volunteer that 39 they realized through the bishopric of Talca. The fall of the roof would have occurred when the young people would have gone up there and the wounded adults would be a priest and a neighborhood chief who collaborated in the work.

Of the total wounded, six were transferred to the commune hospital and four to

Later, two of the wounded were transferred to Santiago by ambulance to be operated on.

the fall of the roof, there would be 12 children who are trapped, at the time with various injuries. All were volunteers from the Catholic Church Los Laicos … In development
Images Paulo Díaz. pic.twitter.com/rt9y2cGJen

– Maule News (@MauleNoticias) July 20, 2018

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