Thailand prepares for the delicate evacuation of children trapped in a cave – International


The 12 children and their football coach, found alive after spending nine days without food in a flooded cave in northern Thailand must recover their strength before beginning a delicate evacuation.

"Our search mission has been successful, but we still have to get them out of there," said RI governor Rarongsak Osottanakorn, head of the relief cell, convinced that he had accomplished this "mission impossible" "

" It's unimaginable, 10 days ago I was waiting for that, I did not imagine that this day would come ", reacted the father of one of the missing children interviewed by AFP

a direct line, several kilometers long, in the main gallery of the cave, so that children can communicate with the outside world, in Particularly with their parents.

However, the chances of this may appear Tuesdays are rare.The current water level involves an underwater visit that an experienced diver would do in six hours, indicated the rescuers.

The children, between 11 and 16 years old, were found Monday evening before their 25-year-old coach, by British divers, "safe and sound", more than 4 km inside the cave.

The group was on a ledge in the distance, in the meanders of the cave, located on the border with Burma and Laos, where they were blocked on 23 June by the rising waters.

Learning to dive

A group of doctors came to the place where children must badess their ability to dive, from this Tuesday or in a few days, depending on their strength. They took diving equipment inside the cave, food and medicine. "We must train them […] Let's see what they are capable of," said the governor

Meanwhile, rescuers continue to pump the maximum amount of water from the cave to facilitate their exit. They should cover the 4 km that separates them from the exit, which has a flooded section.

The discovery of the children was a great joy for the Thais, after several days of difficult research because of torrential rains. Television followed the live operation.

The divers found the young people a few hundred meters from the "Pattaya Beach", the area where they should have taken refuge, also flooded.

A moving video filmed by rescuers and posted on Facebook shows a group of skinny kids, dressed in big muddy football jerseys and refugees on a narrow ledge surrounded by water.

"Thank you," exclaims one of them while another responds "13" when one of the divers, with a British accent, asks how much they are

"In Team"

Nopparat Kantawong, the head coach of the children's football club, claimed to be convinced that the fact that children practice a team sport played a role essential in their survival.

"I'm so happy, we teach them to love as a team," he said on national television. .

Add to that the fact that "football is a sport of fighters," said the coach, who will be waiting for the children in front of the cave, like many parents.

This is not the first time that an underground rescue succeeds after more than a week: in 2014, in Germany, a man was saved in a cave after 11 days of life. ;waiting. In 2012, in Peru, some miners could be saved after being buried for seven days. And in 2010, in Chile, 33 miners were found alive after 17 days at 720 meters deep, where they remained 70 days before being rescued.

But in this case, the flood of the cave, the shortage of air and the fact that the group consisted of children, in addition to the general panic that has occurred widespread among adults, complicated the situation.


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