Thailand waiting for 12 children trapped in a cave a week ago


All of Thailand still waiting for the rescue of 12 children, members of a football team and their coach, trapped a week ago in a northern cave while emergency teams are working desperately to find them alive. 19659002] Since the alert was given on the 23rd, some 1,300 soldiers participated in search and rescue tasks in the cave of Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Nature Park, in Chiang Rai Province, north from the country. 19659002] The hopes are placed in an island, called "Pattaya Beach", in the central cavity of the cave and to which rescue teams have not yet managed to gain access. The main obstacle is the numerous and narrow corridors flooded along the cave, the fourth longest in Thailand with about 10 kilometers in length and frequent level changes.

Immerse yourself in a cup of coffee

Divers from the elite military made several attempts without reaching the goal of reaching the cavity and they described the waters as "diving into a cup of coffee "because of the poor visibility due to the accumulation of mud. The teams used about twenty extraction pumps to reduce the water level in the most waterlogged areas, tasks that were hampered by continued rains in the area. and mechanical problems.

Underground, authorities also roam the dense jungle of the mountain in search of alternative inputs to the cave through which to descend. In one of the attempts, the members managed to descend about 40 meters deep, but they found no trace of the minors – between 11 and 16 years old – nor of the adult – of 25 years –

Drones with thermal cameras and dogs trained to follow the traces of odors were also deployed, in and around the cave, without success. On Friday, the operator decided to launch from the lows found by the mountain "emergency parcels" with food and survival items, as well as a map and letters from parents asking to "go back (through the current) map with the According to the official version, the missing were admitted last Saturday in the galleries after a football training, when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity. The rangers who activated the emergency mission encountered bicycles, shoes and other equipment from the missing at the entrance to the cave.

In this first exploration they have entered about 3 kilometers into the den When the waters rose, the agents decided to turn around and notify the rescue teams. (With EFE information)

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