That's how NASA uses 2 million liters of water to control heat during a launch | Technology


The NASA published images of its new cooling system, which consists of a two million-liter jet of water.

As indicated by the space agency, it is a mechanism to reduce the extreme heat and energy generated by the launch of the rocket Space Launch System .

With this ship, whose Spanish name is Space Launch System, it should bring man to March one of NASA's major goals.

This rocket will have enormous dimensions and will be extremely powerful, which is why the experts created this system to spray the platform at both ignition and takeoff.

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The procedure, entitled "Anti-flooding Launch Pad System for Protection Against Overpressure of Inflammation and Suppression of Sound" was put to the test on October 15 on the 39B launch of the Kennedy Space Center jets reaching 30 meters in height

But this mechanism will not only maintain the systems involved in the launch of chilled launch systems, but also reduce excessive noise. which will produce the Space Launch System at the time of its take-off

The first unmanned rocket flight is planned by June 2020. Here is the video of the cooling system of the US space agency.

Recall that NASA confirmed a few days ago that the so-called "kite-shaped skull ra" will pbad near the Earth a few days after Halloween.

According to the details of the agency, this comet should have some proximity to our planet, specifically on November 11, 2018, ] at a distance of 40,233,600 km (25 million miles).

The comet, originally called TB145, was discovered in October 2015 in an observatory located in Hawaii (United States). It happened 500 km from the planet.

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