The 10 most equal and unequal countries in the world, where does Chile stand? | National


The World Bank Group is an organization that focuses on badyzing the finances of the countries of the world and then proposes plans and ideas for improving those economies.

Among the tools that they use to make These badyzes include the Gini coefficient, created by the Italian Corrado Gini statistic, which gives a value between 0 and 1. The higher the country, the more the country is unequal.

The last update of the coefficient was in 2016, when the organization delivered a list of 101 countries. It has been organized from the most egalitarian to the most unequal. Here we give you a short version of the list, and where Chile is positioned.

The Most Economically Egalitarian Countries

1- Ukraine
2- Slovenia
3- Norway
4- Slovak Republic
5- Czech Republic
6- Kazakhstan
7- Belarus
8- Kosovo
9- Iceland
10- Finland

The most economically unequal countries

1- South Africa
2- Haiti
3- Honduras
4- Colombia
5- Brazil
6- Panama
7- Chile
8- Rwanda
9- Costa Rica
10- Mexico

Although many of the most unequal countries come from South America, the organization claimed that it is the area that has most adjusted its situation in terms of inequalities thanks to the multiple policies put in place specifically to combat this reality.

However, these measures may not always be the same in all territories, as they must be adapted according to the needs and realities of each territory, which makes it difficult to research ahead of time. positive way.

Chile, on the other hand, made progress in the index through measures that sought to match the country's economic platform. However, it is not yet clear whether this will be enough to continue positively, or whether other steps will be needed in the future.

The full report can be found on the official website of the organization, which can be found under the following link.

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