The 3 keys to Amazon's success, according to Jeff Bezos


One of the richest men in the world, who still works as if it was the first day, shared his leadership tips for running a business

Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, signed a 2018 letter to the company's shareholders. He spreads "Day 1" for decades, and recalls that Amazon should never stop behaving like a startup even though the company now has over 560,000 employees and more than 100 million members of Amazon Prime, the company's membership service for free delivery on certain items.

Here are some of the most useful tips shared by Bezos his missive:

1. Standards Are Contagious
Bezos says that he believes that if a company or a team works with low standards a new employee often goes, perhaps unwittingly, adjust his work ethic consequence. He also says that high standards in one area are not translated automatically into high standards in another: it is important that people discover their "blind spots".

Try to make a list of your tasks, then ask your trusted collaborators to tell you which responsibilities are your greatest strength . If some things on the list do not appear during the conversation, it may be useful to think about how can improve in these areas.

2. Set Clear and Realistic Expectations
If you are looking to raise standards in a particular area, the first plan of action is to describe what quality a in this part of your operation currently. The second is to establish realistic expectations for you and your team regarding the amount of work that will be needed for to achieve that level of quality .

You will not find a single PowerPoint presentation at an Amazon work meeting. Instead, the teams write six-page narrative notes to prepare everyone for the meeting. Bezos says that the quality of memos varies a lot because writers do not always recognize the scope of the work required to achieve high standards

"Falsely believe that you can write a six-page memo in one or two days or even a few hours, whereas in reality could take a week or more ! ", writes Bezos.

3. Stay in contact with the people you serve
Whether you sell a product or service, make sure do not lose touch with the people you serve, without importing the importance of your charge.

Bezos says that he always reads the emails from his public inbox ([email protected]) as a way to follow what's going on with

He says that He believes that focusing on what customers think is much more important to succeed than to look at what competitors are doing, and often say that user comments [ are better reflexes the reality of a mark than professional badyzes made by third parties.

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