The 4 exams that detect breast cancer


Although bad cancer can not be prevented, its early detection has a survival rate of 98%, which means that almost all people diagnosed at an early stage surpbad it. Therefore, knowing the detection methods becomes crucial. Dr. María Elisa Droguett, a radiologist at the Vidantegra Medical Center, explains the nature of these tests and the circumstances in which one or the other is chosen. per year.


It is asked when the bads are dense because the sensitivity of the mammogram decreases up to 60%. In addition, when there is a family history of bad cancer or high-risk lesions. possible with traditional methods.

self-exam. It is advisable to start at age 20 once a month, between days 4 and 10 after menstruation. The woman should look for sagging skin and / or bad, wrinkles, discolouration or bruising.

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