The 6.3 earthquake injures more than 700 people on the Iran-Iraq border: more than 160 aftershocks are recorded


The number of people injured by an earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 the previous night in western Iran has risen to 716, Iranian officials said Monday. Until now, no deaths have been reported.

According to Iranian television, most of the injured were released shortly afterwards and were slightly injured following the Sunday night earthquake. According to reports, 37 people are still hospitalized.

More than 160 aftershocks were recorded in the region, including two movements of a magnitude greater than 5. Dozens of rescue teams and trained dogs were sent to the area, did they? -he declares. television.

Television images show hospitalized people. Dr. Hossein Rahnimi, director of a local hospital, said that a large number of injured people had also been victims of panic attacks.

The earthquake hit western Iran near the Iraqi border, causing damage to buildings and causing the residents to leave.

Impacted near the city of Sarpol-e Zahab in the province of Kermanshah, where the epicenter of the earthquake recorded last year had claimed the lives of over 600 people. The earthquake was 7.3 magnitude and injured more than 9000 people

. Sunday's move also knocked over power lines and caused power outages at night, at temperatures around 46 degrees Celsius (46 Fahrenheit). 19659002] The movement was recorded shortly after 8 pm in Iran, so most people were awake and able to flee.

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