The AFP association presents a plan of agreement for the best contributors


The AFP Association launches the "My Benefits AFP" reduction program, for more than 10 million members and retirees of the pension system reported this morning Emol.

In total, 150 affiliated companies are part of the network of rebates created by the union to favor pension plan contributors

The "unpublished" program is intended to encourage and recognize the behavior of pension plan members. retirement savings of contributors, by permanently offering permanent benefits in addition to other special benefits. Throughout the year

"We want to support members and retirees by offering them new savings opportunities in daily expenses while rewarding those who, every month, make efforts to save money." . We know that saving is a difficult way and that, without savings, there are no better pensions, "said Fernando Larraín, director of the AFP Association.

Isabel Retamal , responsible for the development of the union, explained to Emol: "We already have some years of work on this subject. We always think of two things: how to bring affiliates and retirees together – we know the relationship needs to be strengthened – and the second, that you quote for something that will happen in 30 or 40 more years, and a somehow this program aims to bring "

The executive has mentioned that expectations" are in the medium and long term, that is, the use of business may mean to some extent a Fiscal leeway that allows you to facilitate savings, and Another expectation we have is that it is a more democratic program in terms of benefit clubs. "

The design and implementation of the program was approved by the Superintendency of Pensions by the official letter No. 1876 and it will be the regulator of" Mis Beneficios AFP ".

There are 150 shops in across Chile, with a presence in the regions, grouped into six categories: education, health, travel / entertainment gastronomy, shops and services.In some of them you can find discounts of up to 60

"Always thinking about everyday life, in simple commerce, it's a selection that's not ambitious," said Retamal. To access the permanent benefits, it's enough to just keep going. be a member or retiree of the system and view the discounts on the website, where coupons can be downloaded, no matter what fund is located or by which form of retirement

D & # s; On the other hand, to participate in special competitions and In sales, retirement savings behaviors must be accredited and informed on a case-by-case basis.

Absence of the AFP Model

The Development Manager of the Association explained that the Modelo AFP was lowered for company-specific reasons, however, specified that this program "does not exclude affiliates and retirees from this AFP." "They may be the beneficiaries of the discounts we offer, the difference is that Modelo affiliates and retirees will not receive any communication from the administrator, unlike the affiliates of the rest of the AFPs."

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