The applauded reaction of a reporter about a subject who harassed her during a broadcast


The woman was uploaded to social networks with a reflection on patriarchy

A young journalist earned the respect of social network users because of her reaction to a subject that was harbading her while waiting to do so. a live broadcast, for a television channel in Andorra

C is the journalist herself, Tatiana Navarro, who has released the video in which she sees how a subject approaches and l 39; ; embraces. "What do you do? Do you think it's normal? I work and you party" he told him

. Investigator, who is connected to the computer of @RtvaAndorra, Gerardo Alton-Ortega, who does not connect, did not connect, even hated petó at the tower galta of the tower by the grid. (1)

– Tatiana Navarro (@tnavarrog) 28 October 2018

"This was not just an attack on me, but a machismo aggression to be a woman, another example showing that we are objects for patriarchy, in a system in which men believe they have the right to rub or are always at their disposal for their whims " writes the young woman in Twiiter.

"It is obvious that none of my companions would have been the same" he added.

Perquè òbviament, a house of the cap dels meus companys els hagués pbadat el mateix. The alms is such that, by the way, the face is not live, but not too much, it is not vulgar for the public. (3)

– Tatiana Navarro (@tnavarrog) 28 October 2018

The attacker was identified as a local businessman and the same journalist was responsible for the attack. have left prominently on social networks.


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