The approval of President Piñera remains at 57%


The latest Public-Cadem Plaza survey released today showed that during the fifth and final week of June, 57% of those consulted approved the management of President Piñera, thus closing the month with 58% approval, disapproval increased by 7 points in the last two weeks, from 24% to 31%.

In this way, all the attributes of President Piñera remain relatively stable. "He has authority and leadership" is still the best rated (76%). They are followed by "Charisma" (69%), "Ability to solve the country's problems" (67%), "Confidence" (53%), "Knows the needs of people" (52%), and finally, " "(47%).

Similarly, the approval of the government's management areas remains relatively stable, with the exception of significant improvements in" Environment "(from 48% to 55%) and "Delinquency". "(From 39% to 47%), while the" feminist claims "fall by 14pts from 55% to 41% and" Jobs "drops to 53%, ending a decline of 10pts since March.

Now, "International Relations" remains the best area evaluated with 74%. They are followed by "Immigration" (60%), "Economy" (58%) and "Energy Development" (54%). On the other hand, the areas with a disapproval significantly higher than the approval are: "Education" (36%), "Public Transport" (35%), the "Mapuche Conflict" (33%), "Health" and "Corruption", both with a 28% approval and "Pensions" (19%).

Regarding the cabinet, Andrés Chadwick is positioned as the best known minister (85%, +2 pts.) And influential cabinet (31%) and maintains a high approval that reaches 61% in June.
Similarly, Roberto Ampuero is still the best-rated minister with 75% (+ 4pts), followed this times by Isabel Plá with 70% and an increase of 6pts Alejandra Pérez (68%), Gonzalo Blumel (67%), Cecilia Pérez (67%), Undersecretary of the Interior Rodrigo Ubilla (65%) Marcella Cubillos (65%), Alfredo Moreno (65%), Alberto Espina (64%), Cristián Monckeberg (61%), Susana Jiménez (61%), JA Fontaine (59%), Antonio Walker (59%), Felipe Larraín (58%) and Nicolás Monckeberg (54%) 19 659005] Closure of the list, with more disapproval than approval, Hernán Larraín (47%), Emilio Santelices (44%.) And Gerardo Varela (41%).

Finally, Cecilia Morel reaches 93% of this knowledge this month, and an approval of 79%, 4pts more than in May.

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