The arrest warrant against the former councilor of Limache is canceled Cynthia Marín


The Supreme Court accepted the complaint which filed the defense of the former counselor of Limache Cynthia Marín, who was sentenced by Court Oral Penal of Quillota at the penalty of 10 years and one day of presidio, for the crime of treasure cheating.

Thus, decree not to innovate which implies the nullity of the sentence and furthermore, the remaining ineffective on the term of office. stop who had the police since June 25, when, Marín remained as " fugitive justice" .

" This suspends the effects of the judgment of the Oral Court of Quillota and the Court of Valparaíso's Appeals, which we consider unjust and disproportionate and, on the other hand, were judged with lack or abuse serious ]"said the defense lawyer Juan Carlos Manríquez .

" We hope that it is the first of the measures to be able to do justice, in this particular case to Mrs. Marín ", adds the professional

The following process is that the Court of Appeal of Valparaiso sees on the board the report of the ministers, suspensions, allegations and judgments, which could take up to four months

The possibilities for Cynthia Marín are that the lawsuit against her can be annulled and face a new trial or that her defense reaches an agreement with the Office of the Prosecutor to go to a short trial in which he faces sentences of less than five years in prison which would imply that, ultimately, will not go to prison . [ad_2]
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