The arrival of Amazon in Colombia does not scare the government: "Chile is still a candidate"


Yesterday Thursday, the official arrival of Amazon Colombia was officially known, which provoked a series of speculations in Chile, which remains a serious candidate for the provision of infrastructure to the giant from retail.

The great doubt that arose about the move of the company of Jeff Bezos, it is if the arrival in Bogota implies the abandonment of the option of Chile. This was excluded by the government. "These are two totally different things, what Amazon is setting up in Colombia, it's a call center." For its retail business, that's nothing to do with what we were negotiating, namely web services, this is a subject we are constantly talking about and we continue as candidates, "said the Minister of Economy , José Ramón Valente, during an interview with Radio ADN.

On this line, the Secretary of State said that Chile was aiming at something other than the construction plan of Bogota. "What is happening is that Amazon as a retailer can do it in many countries, and the installation of these mega data centers is happening in a few countries. let's talk about a billion dollars, "he said.

"(Amazon) has two big companies: retail, sales, the one we know, and the other what they call the Web Services, the Network Services (AWS), which we are talking about this investment in infrastructure, "said the minister.


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