The arrival of tourists in R & D increased by 6.1% in the first half of 2018


Dominican Republic received 3,440,805 tourists between January and June this year, for an increase of 6.1%, according to data from the Central Bank of the country (BCRD).

According to figures published today On the site of the BCRD, the total arrival of pbadengers by air, including residents and non-residents, reached 3,735,331 pbadengers between January and June , an increase of 5.6% over the same period of 2017

Figures show that 61.3% of visitors arrived from North America, followed by Europe (22, 5%), South America (12.5%), Central America and the Caribbean (3.4%) and Asia. and the rest of the world (0.3%).

North American visitors had a cumulative growth of 7.8%, with 94,476 additional tourists from the United States, 37,598 from Canada and 1,547 from Mexico.

] The report also highlights a 13.3% increase in tourists from Suraméri ca, highlighting those of Argentina (33,362), Brazil (17,801), Chile (5,219), between other.

Europe, however, showed a cumulative decrease of 16,375 pbadengers (-2.4%) in the first six months, due to reductions in Germany (-27,738), Russia ( -13,538), Sweden (-4,447) and Spain (-2,414), which could not be offset by the increase in pbadenger arrivals from France (8,164), Portugal (7,317), Ukraine (3,843), Poland (3,177), among others.

64% of visitors arrived in the country by the airport of Punta Cana (East), 15% by the Americas (east), 8.3% for that of Puerto Plata (north), while the La Romana, Cibao, La Isabela and El Catey terminals in Samaná together received 7.3%

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