The Astaldi matrix gives the green light for renegotiation of contracts with Codelco and BTG enters the table


Discussions between Codelco and Astaldi on the renegotiation of contracts related to mining projects Chuquicamata Subterránea and Nuevo Nivel El Teniente progressed yesterday, after the matrix of the construction company in Italy gave the go-ahead to society for these purposes . This, just after the state has executed the warranty tickets badociated with these services.

Sources close to the process said that both parties were ready to reach an agreement as soon as possible and that the state's objective would have been achieved. what to do to achieve the same conditions – in terms of terms and costs – that the terminated contracts present. As a result, Codelco would not be exposed to the risk of Astaldi's possible bankruptcy in Italy or Chile

. In addition, they stated that the negotiation of the new contract would involve Astaldi's commitment to keep Codelco informed of payments. workers, suppliers and the purchase of inputs for projects.

In this line, it appeared that the state would inform the government of the situation yesterday through the finance ministers Felipe Larraín and Baldo Prokurica, mining sector, put the cooler to a severe test.

"In my opinion, this is a preventive measure, a measure that prevents us from being able to maintain the work that the Italian company is doing," said Minister Larraín. While his mining couple, he added that "the problems do not have Astaldi here in Chile, he has them in Europe", so the goal is "to protect the workers".

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mining Chief pointed out that "what we are all concerned about is that the work be stopped and a new call for tenders must be issued."


According to the antecedents in the hands of the Government, the renegotiation of the contracts would aim at the continuity of works in Chuquicamata and El Teniente, insofar as commercial, financial and reputation guarantees are respected.

The contract with Chuqui Subterránea provides for extraction works allowing access to fingerprint, electromechanical bademblies and others, and to this day. has a physical advance of 77%, compared to the 75% forecast at that date, which should end next November.

In this case, the contract amount is $ 464,000. solitary, whose balance is $ 154 million. Similarly, in the case of New Level Level, the work involved concerns access to Resources North, Andesite and the general entrance to the mine, which currently records a material advance of 5%.

The term of the contract is June 2022, with the contract amount increasing to US $ 130 million and leaving a balance of US $ 126 million.

4 million correspond to Chuqui and the remaining 11.4 million USD to Nuevo Nivel Mina, the latter being the one that generates the most problems, insofar as it could trigger the bankruptcy of the Italian company in Chile.

In this context, Codelco, Astaldi and BTG Pactual, the bank that provided the guarantee to the State, began negotiations with a view to finding a solution to the conflict in the hope that the company would not do not dissolve.

The Other Projects

Astaldi's situation remains worrying as well. However, in this case, collection of warranty slips is removed.

Although the dealer negotiates a payment plan with suppliers and subcontractors for debts maintained by Felix Bulnes Hospital, which authorize the completion of the work in accordance with the undertaking, the subject is the subject of a thorough review by the MOP.

However, in this case, the rules of submission of these contracts cases of non-compliance of the concession company.

Given this situation, the Ministry continues to monitor the effects that the situation of the construction company Astaldi Sucursal Chile could have on the fulfillment of the obligations imposed by each concession contract, in order to adopt in his case, the corresponding measures.

On the other hand, the situation of workers in the city does not seem to improve. In fact, they point out that, given the "complex situation that faces the construction of this health center", if this situation lasts another 48 hours, the work of the hospital would be paralyzed.

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