The attack of a kamikaze against an electoral center makes several wounded in Afghanistan – Internationale


© AFP   The attack of a kamikaze against the electoral center made several wounded in Afghanistan

The attack coincided with the collection of ballot boxes in the parliamentary elections of October 20 in the capital.

A suicide bomber He was on foot this morning when he went to the headquarters of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in Kabul and injured at least six people, Afghan officials said. .

] "The blast occurred 20 meters away from the CIS employees' vehicles," Basir Mujahid, a spokesman for the Kabul police, told AFP. Four CIS employees and two police officers were injured, he said.

"An attack was perpetrated against our colleagues at the entrance to our building," confirmed CIS deputy spokesman Zabihullah Sadat.

The attack coincided with the collection of ballot boxes in the parliamentary elections of October 20 for the capital. These are transferred inside the site of the electoral commission, as part of high security measures, which organized the elections.

The Taliban and the Islamic State (IS) group launched several attacks on polling stations, killing or injuring about 300 people across the country on polling day.

The IEC plans to publish the final figures for national participation in the coming weeks. The elections took place in two phases, after being postponed for one week in Kandahar province (south) for security reasons.

According to the IEC, more than four million people participated in the vote, out of a total of 8.9 million registered, despite the many attacks against voters.


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