The "big" brother: Negro Piñera sports his 240 km / h on the road


This morning a video was aired – from one date until here unknown – on Twitter where Miguel "Negro" Piñera is shown, leading to excessive speed on one of the motorways of the country. The controversial record has already become viral because of the irresponsibility of who is also the brother of the President of the Republic.

In the video that was recorded by Miguel Piñera's co-driver, you can see the night-time business man driving an Opel-branded car at 240 kilometers per hour, this according to the same story of Black . It is necessary to remember that Chilean legislation allows only a maximum of 120 kilometers per hour on the road and this for certain sections allowed at this speed.

The Piñera Negro was emerging recently from a debate on social networks after appearing as a face of a sweet drink where he is subjectively linked to cocaine. Prior to that, he had problems getting into the handover ceremony of President Sebastián Piñera for an alleged "bad state" at the time of entry. Various politicians described their actions as shameful and disrespectful given their familiarity with the president. For example, the former Minister of Health, Helia Molina, described through her Twitter situations with the phrase: "we are getting worse!".



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