The bishopric of Valparaíso responded to the prosecutor's office …


This Friday, the judicial vicar transmitted his observations to the Court of Appeal of Rancagua.

During this Friday, the priest Luis Eugenio Meneses Iturrizaga, judicial vicar of the bishopric of Valparaíso, transmitted to the Court of Appeal of Rancagua a series of observations on the reports submitted by the Office of the Prosecutor, concerning the search carried out at the dependencies of the Church and where the Prosecutor, Sergio Pérez, declared that information had been concealed.

On September 13, as part of an investigation into badual violence carried out by the Attorney General's Office in Rancagua, simultaneous searches were conducted in Chillán. , Osorno and Concepción, in addition to Valparaíso. However, in the city of the fifth region, the lawsuit of the lawsuit was challenged by the bishopric, which filed a complaint alleging that the procedure had not been informed, as provided for in the Religious Property Act. 19659003] The prosecutor Perez, who directed the searches, responds to the brief filed stating that "no notice has been given, the judge of the guarantees of Rancagua, Luis Barría, l & rsquo; Authorized in accordance with "Article 209 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. "

In his memoir, Pérez adds that the judicial vicar was reluctant to collaborate and that once inside ecclesiastical dependencies, they found three boxes containing investigation records. denunciations of the bishopric for 30 years.

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However, "in the basement of the building, in one multiples In most of the rooms that were in a kind of "half-floor", I found a series of documents placed under a cover, corresponding to files and other documents relevant to the investigation, different from those previously communicated by Mr. Meneses ", in his report, the Prosecutor

According to La Tercera, the persecutor indicates that, in other dependencies of the building, documents relating to the investigation also been seized, as in the e case of the "diocesan curia where the bishopric is located." [19659010] Imagen foto_00000001 "border =" 0 "clbad =" fotodrag "id =" foto_00000001 "src =" /noticias/site/artic/20181019/imag/foto_0000000120181019173708.jpg "data-w =" 750 "data-h =" 400 "/>


Remember that once the search carried out, the bishopric of Valparaíso issued a public statement in which he explained that he had presented the appeal for protection and the request not to innovate in the sense of feeling the rights were violated. In this statement, available now on the official website of the bishopric, it is stated that "Just as we take care of the dignity of the victims of abuse committed by some religious, we also take in charge of those who have been the subject of a partial raid of the public prosecutor, that we will never oppose and that we ask to be executed according to its own rules, we do not ask in any case an exception to the law, but treatment as a citizen, it is our commitment, which strives to meet their demands. "

Sources of the bishopric of Buenos Aires confirmed to, that, after the press releases, it is announced that the report submitted by the Attorney General Perez to the A court of Rancagua is accused of having concealed information under a cover, Father Luis Eugenio Meneses Iturrizaga, vicar jud from the bishopric of Valparaíso, sent on Friday to the court of appeal of Rancagua, some observations on the reports of prosecutors on the search.

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