The blockade in the prisons is maintained: the unemployed gendarmes do not exclude radicalization mobilization | National


The delay in the formalization hearings, the postponement of certain trials when the accused can not be presented and the problems of receiving detainees at the Justice Center are part of the consequences of the blockade imposed by those responsible. of the gendarmerie for the national strike which started early Monday morning.

Mobilization which obtained a membership of 98% among the leaders of five guilds of gendarmerie is nearly 20 000 workers. The balance sheet of the first day was therefore positive, pointing out that there is "unity" to Continue to press for a solution to your requests.

A petition containing "historical" claims is qualified as "petition". "historical" such as the career enhancement of the civil service, the incentive to retire and restitution of pension rights.

Marcos Aburto, spokesperson of the Prison Workers' Front, did not order to radicalize the mobilization if he did not approach positions with the government.

The blockade that the authorities put in place in the prisons caused no prisoner can enter or leave the prison which has had consequences in particular at the scheduled trials and at the justice center.

This was expressed by lawyers and relatives of the accused or victims.

The President of the Supreme Court, Haroldo Brito, affirmed that the Unemployment "undoubtedly causes disruption" in court proceedings, its main concern being the right of persons deprived of their liberty. Therefore, he pointed out that there were different operations to minimize the impact of the movement.

However, the spokesman of the government, Cecilia Pérez, called unemployment "illegal" and called on those responsible to return to work as quickly as possible, ensuring that they keep the door open to resume work.

Lyrics of the spokesperson who provoked the irritation of the president of the ANEF Carlos Insunza, who thought that there was no interest for the executive to solve the problems met by the officials of the gendarmerie .

There is currently no new approach between the government and gendarmes. Officials badured that would maintain ethical rules to protect the situation of detainees in different prisons, but would not make transfers.

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