The Carabinieri commemorated the new anniversary of Lieutenant Merino's act


To your
and as every November 6, the members of the Carabineros of Chile
national level, remember Lieutenant Hernán Merino Correa, who is the
only hero of the 21st century according to the archives of the History of Chile,
by giving his life to defend the sovereignty of our country.

members of the carabinieri, dependents of the Magallanes prefecture,
led by the zone chief, General Gonzalo del Alcázar,
They went to Avenida Bulnes, opposite the tax stadium, where
located the recognition place of Merino Correa in Punta
Arenas, to give the respective honors.

respect, General Gonzalo del Alcázar himself indicated that he felt
proud to be able to lead the commemoration of this act, arguing
that the image of Merino Correa represents all the martyrs who
had the institution all this time, which in its great
Most were killed in the performance of their duties.

"Very proud to commemorate another anniversary of this feat
Heroic Lt. Hernán Merino Correa, who has defended all his life the
the sovereignty of our country. This ceremony is done in the same way
time in Chile, and is specifically aimed at highlighting this fact
heroic, of a carabinero who died in an act of service, which is the
the only hero of the 21st century, where an officer lost his life, there is more than
a thousand martyrs in the institution, dead carabineers in
fight crime, in the hands of criminals, and we hope
that such situations do not continue to arise ", said the maxim
Authority of carabinieri at Magallanes.

Javier Pérez, president of Círculo de Carabineros in
Withdrawal, it is important that you continue to know the work done by
Merino Correa, leaving high the name of the carabinieri in history
From Chile.

"For the pbadive staff, this is an important fact because we, at the
active part we lived this situation I had to be in Punta
Arenas when Lieutenant Merino was named hero of the 20th century, he is very
important for circle members, we always wear it in the
remember and have a hero at Carabineros improves the institution as a
Such, "he concluded.


Rifleman Lt. Hernán Merino Correa was born in Antofagasta on 17
July 1936, in a family consisting of an officer of
Carabineers and a devoted mother. He was the second of four brothers.

In 1956, he realized the great desire of his life, to become carabinieri of Ch island.
During his professional career, he had various destinations, among which
highlights its pbadage through Santa Bárbara, in the region of Biobío, where
saved from the waters of the Mininco River, a woman and her baby in 1960.

1962 arrives in the region of Aysén, playing in different units
of the prefecture. In the region, he played a very important role
disseminate Chilean traditions and customs. In addition, he was worried
especially for border problems, taking into account periodically
informed his superiority.

Six officials arrived at the "Laguna del Desierto",
disputed territory at that time because they had received complaints from
harbadment of gendarmes towards a Chilean colonist of the sector.

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