The career for Angela Merkel's estate began in Germany


The competition to succeed Angela Merkel in front of her conservative party and then perhaps the government of Germany began on Tuesday after the fact. Announcement of the gradual withdrawal of power from the Chancellor.

The race is announced fiercely, in a context in which many doubt the capabilities of Merkel, who has a record of longevity in power in Western Europe can occupy another three years as head of government [19659002] until the end of his term in 2021.

"The Kingdom of Merkel is over" title Tuesday the newspaper Bild. "Merkel's era comes to an end" coincides with the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung

In power for 13 years, Merkel – who suffered on Monday a new regional electoral setback – announced Monday that his current term as Chancellor of Germany "will be the last" . He also announced that would resign in December from the presidency of his party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) that he had been running for 18 years.

Merkel's popularity has steadily declined since her decision to open her country's border to more than one million refugees in 2015 and 2016.

It's all about of a significant political risk for her, with a party that could acquire increasing autonomy, thus weakening the chancellor at the national and European levels.

This is what the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and former Chancellor Wolfgang Schäuble summed up with some perfidy. "The current legislature should last three years, we'll see," said Monday evening the public channel Deutsche Welle .

In this context "How long will Merkel be in power?" asks the weekly Der Spiegel .

"When power starts to escape, it can evaporate very quickly," he says. expressing doubt that the Chancellor will remain in office until 2021.

And in just over a month, the Chancellor will take another step towards a political withdrawal in ceasing to preside over the CDU .

Three candidates have already declared themselves in-house as Merkel's successor to the presidency of the CDU, considered a preliminary step towards the Chancery.

Among them are the Secretary General of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer with Chancellor and Minister of Health Jens Spahn.

can add the head of the region of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet .

The Chancellor claims that he has no favorite.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer named "AKK" is the favorite according to the press and considered the dolphin of Merkel. The two women share the same political line, rather centrist.

On the other hand, the ambitious Jens Spahn 38-year-old, favoring a right turn, is considered the "head of the internal opposition". or "the controversial star of the CDU" .

Spahn has not stopped criticizing Merkel, particularly with regard to immigration . However, according to some officials, it still lacked the necessary experience.

A former party star, Friedrich Merz also favorable to a very conservative line, decided to try his luck despite his departure. politics for some time because of her old rivalry with Angela Merkel.

Whatever the case may be, for one of the caciqueas of the CDU, the Minister-President of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, The announcement of Merkel's departure opens "a new opportunity" for the party .

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