The Chamber of Deputies will vote for the security class Monday in extraordinary session


The Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies will vote next Monday on the draft law on safe clbades. After today, the Lower House Education Committee has decided to debate until Thursday the initiative that gives more powers to the directors to punish schoolchildren for serious acts of violence.

The project is the subject of an immediate discussion by the government. The Education Commission, where the Portfolio Minister, Marcela Cubillos, will listen today to some forty experts between tomorrow and Thursday.

To vote on the initiative next Monday, a special session must be held and the Chair of the Education Commission, Cristina Girardi, has engaged the marathon sessions of the parliamentary body to abide by the deadlines. [19659002] Opposition, they criticized the urgency imposed by the executive and they accused a legislative eagerness, denouncing the fact that it happened to take the autonomy of the Chamber of Deputies face a very controversial text

In the meantime, the ruling party indicated that the project had been the subject of much debate and that it was urgent to legislate to put an end to most violent incidents in educational institutions.

MP Girardi pointed out that a special session of the Chamber of Deputies could also be called to vote on Friday.

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