The Chancellor highlighted the first day of the humanitarian visa for Haitian immigrants


Chancellor Roberto Ampuero calls it "calm" the first day after the entry into force of the humanitarian visa for the "family reunion" of Haitian immigrants, in which more than a hundred and fifty 39, investigations were received

Ampuero said that "the first day of this new family reunification visa for Haitian citizens was a very quiet day. More than a hundred investigations have have been received and the corresponding information has been provided. "

"It was one day ordered in accordance with the objectives of the new system promoted by the government of President Sebastián Piñera." It is also important to note that this process begins in Chile, when the Haitian citizen residing in our country sends an invitation letter to his family member in Haiti this way the process is activated " , he said.

The Foreign Minister stressed that "we have an agreement with the Orga International Organization for Migration, IOM. This will allow visa applications to be more orderly and smoother, they will help with telephone operators to provide information, personalized attention to applicants, and they will also verify that the requested documents are in order. "

Migration is Oriented to Order Migration Flow. Last year, remember, more than 120,000 Haitians entered as tourists, but only four thousand from Chile. Now, they can continue to come, but with a more orderly and reliable system for all, "said the minister.

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