The chauvinist new macho president: "Who put his hand here? If it's not my wife, it's the devil"


A new public lapse played in President Sebastián Piñera while in full presentation of the draft law on public integrity, in La Moneda, his papers were disorganized.

"Let me order my papers," said the president, while trying to put the sheets in order. notoriously uncomfortable after almost a minute he was reviewing each page on the podium, he tried to get out of the situation with a phrase that claimed to be funny, but clearly the tone macho: "Who put his hand here? If it's not my wife, it's the devil."

Then he continued with the presentation of the project aimed to fight nepotism, one of the karmas of his administration, including a law Transparency 2.0, an anti-abuse agenda

The project is particularly sensitive for the government, given cases of nepotism [19459005whoevenpersonallysplashthepresidenthimselfasdoestheappointmentofhisbrotherPabloasanewambbadadortoArgentinaInadditionbeyondPiñera'sfamilytieshimselfwithhisMinisteroftheInteriorhiscousinAndrésChadwickandtheChadwickclan'smbadivepresenceinthestateapparatusmorethan20peoplehaveadirectfamilyrelationshipwithgovernmentauthorities nepotism card

"The rule of thumb in the public service is that the common good must always prevail over a particular badet (…) public integrity is fundamental. That is why we want honest, committed and capable public servants.We do not want public officials who come to use pitutos and who can be political operators in the administration of the city. State, "said the president when signing the project that regulates including the pbadage of a public official to a company. private only in the exercise of his position should have regulated and access to the public administration of parents of the authorities.

FOLLOW: The card of nepotism in the government Piñerachisto

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