The Chilean Contractors Association becomes the first mixed guild in the country


The Association of Entrepreneurs of Chile (Asech) gave
meet the five new members of his directory. This, after finishing
an electoral process that ended on October 19 with 3 days of
online voting, in which members of the guild who pay their

There were 24 candidates in the elections,
increasing by 84% the participation of candidates in the directory of
the largest badociation of entrepreneurs in Chile.

Among them, the winners of list A,
Carmen Luz Assadi, with 280 candidates.
voice and Diego Fleischmann, with 147 votes. Meanwhile, the winners of the list
B, who got the three largest majorities is Mauricio Russo with 168 votes;
Beatriz Correa with 152 votes; and Gina Ocqueteau with 140 votes.

Asech Executive Director Soledad Ovando,
He emphasized the interest generated by these elections. "We appreciate the enthusiasm
of the 24 candidates who applied. This shows that Asech is
fulfilling the role for which it was created. It's a process that has prevailed
transparency and healthy competition, that's why we congratulate the five new
Directors and we wish you the best success in your guild mission. In addition, we are
proud to be the first guild to form a joint committee composed of
five men and five women, "he said.

After this process, new directors enter
replacement of Juan Pablo Sweet, Juan Pablo Larenas, Pamela Chávez, Cristobal
Undurraga and Óscar Solar, leaving the directory. In this way, the five
Alejandra Mustakis, Tomas Sanchez, Marcelo Guital, newcomers
Gloria Risco and Felipe Contreras-Haye, who remain directors of the
guild for the next two years . This last directory of the last two presidents of

In the vote that took place
electronically through the Evoting system, 15% of partners participated
activated, with a total of 2,088 votes cast.

The next step in the Asech repertoire will be to choose
to the union president, a position that Alejandra Mustakis currently occupies. This one
election will be made at the first meeting of the new council, which will be
will take place on November 5th.

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