The Chilean U-planner start-up will expand its technology for higher education


  The Chilean start-up U-planner

U-planner reached a total of 5 million dollars in a turn led by Scale Capital . This is the highest investment received by a Chilean digital company since 2018.

"Today, U-planner deploys its platforms in 12 countries, generating a significant impact on the best institutions of higher education from with these investments, we will deepen these markets, in addition to opening operations in new countries and improving current products ", says Juan Pablo Mena CEO and one of the founders of the society. "Our customers will have access to new features and new services."

"We are very pleased with the national and international recognition that U-planner has received as the best company of higher education, from such prestigious entities as IEuniversity, Corfo, Telefónica and Microsoft, among others, because it reaffirms that the work we are developing has a considerable impact, "he adds.

This Chilean company rewarded the last EnlightED Summit (South, 1945), developed intelligent platforms and applications to strengthen higher education, ranging from university programming to systems to prevent the desertion of students through artificial intelligence and advanced mathematical algorithms.

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U-planner is a digital start-up founded six years ago and also benefiting from Fundación's seed capital. Chili; received an investment from Wayra of Telefónica and collaborated with CORFO since its inception through several lines of support.

It has offices in four countries. , three of them led by founding partners: Carolina Arce in Mexico, Cristián Espinoza in Colombia and Rodrigo Hernández in Chile as well as in Peru .

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More than 50 major institutions in the world, they use their programs, such as University of Washington (United States), National Autonomous University (Mexico), Catholic University (Chile) or University of Sydney (Australia), among others. In addition, it has important strategic alliances with Microsoft, Ellucian, Telefónica and Laspau affiliated with Harvard University, among others.

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