The commercial activity in Chile increased by 6.4% from one year to the next in May


May's results were influenced by the growth observed in the three divisions that make up the indicator, including wholesale trade, with the exception of motor vehicles and motorcycles that grew 7 , 3% and 3,283 percentage points. According to the study, the general index of activity (IACM) at constant prices increased by 3.0% from one year to 2017.

Product lines which have contributed the most to the index performance are new light motor vehicles, electronic products for domestic and technological equipment and clothing, shoes and accessories, with increases of 16.0%, 6, 0% and 4.7% respectively

For its part, the seasonally adjusted series recorded a monthly increase of 1.4% and an interannual growth of 2.9%.

The Supermarket Sales Index (ISUP) at a price in May In May, the Company recorded an annual increase of 4.3% and accumulated a variation of 3.7% in the first five months of 2018.

Seasonally adjusted series showed a monthly increase of 1.3% and 3.6% year-on-year, INE said.

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