The commercial war influences the financial market


July 14, 2018, 11:20 London, July 14 (Prensa Latina) The drums of the trade war, especially between the United States and China, are now influencing global financial markets, worry economists [19659002] This weekend the currency data complicate an already distorted panorama, mainly because of the protectionist policy of the United States and early Washington of a tariff dispute.

The situation affects For all, and although it is too early to appreciate a blow to the various markets, badysts appreciate an extremely dangerous situation for the immediate future.

The dollar climbed Friday up to a maximum of two weeks ahead of a basket This occurred after the data showed a record trade surplus in China that could increase trade tensions between the US and the US. United and the Asian giant, which has encouraged more investors to flee on the greenback.

US Federal Reserve (Fed) President Jerome Powell's optimistic comments on his country's economy boosted demand for dollars.

The yen fell at least six months against the dollar. The euro and the yuan also weakened before the US currency

Therefore, the director of Amundi Pioneer Investments' currency strategy, Paresh Upadhyaya, discussed the difficulty of appreciating this. who would dethrone the dollar.

This compares the dollar with the yen, the euro and four other reference currencies reduced its progression and rose 0.03 percent to 94,838 units, after touching 95,241 units earlier, the value the higher since June 29th.

Fortunately, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in due course that his country and China could reopen trade talks to ease concerns over the tariff dispute.

But the data show that China's trade surplus with the United States hit a record high in June, which could further exacerbate tensions.

oda / rfc

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