The complicated motto attempts to lower the cock profile between Chadwick and Moreno: Piñera excludes that there are two conflicting looks in Araucanía


There is no doubt that the government's problems because of the crisis in Araucania do not end with the departure of the police officers who participated in the operation that killed Camilo Catrillanca, nor the departure of Mayor Luis Mayol . Friction continues inside La Moneda. Especially because of the way the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, dealt with the conflict, to ensure security through a controversial police deployment and, on the other hand, the minister's strategy Social Development, Alfredo Moreno, which aims to deepen dialogue with communities in conflict and prepare economic development initiatives.

To emphasize that there are not two ways to see the conflict and put an end to differences, this Monday, President Sebastián Piñera has endeavored to dispel doubts. "Some people think that there is a policy of the Ministry of Social Development, another policy of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, this is not so, there is no only one policy: our government's policy based on a national agreement and based on four pillars ",

The president is trying to overcome the differences revealed last week when the Interior insisted security and the right to defend against carabineros, Minister Moreno acknowledged that it was "difficult" to implement the Plan Impulso Araucanía and the incumbent judge Hernán Larraín felt that, in the context of the reactions to crime, they had "made mistakes".

Piñera announced that he would send in the coming days bills for constitutional recognition. peoples of origin

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