The computer virus "Emotet" spreads in Central America



Emotet is a family of banking Trojans known for its modular architecture, its persistence and its self-propagation technique similar to that of computer worms. It is distributed via spam campaigns using various disguises to legitimize malicious attachments.

During newly discovered attacks, infected attachments were used in Word and PDF as invoices, payment notifications. , bank account alerts, etc., and which claimed to come from legitimate organizations. Email also contained malicious links, and in both cases the outbreak was related to threats to computers.

According to Camilo Gutiérrez, head of ESET Latin America's research laboratory, "botnet threat that seeks to steal information on the device from the user, will be stealthy, so it will be difficult for the user to detect malicious behavior unless you check the network traffic, the processor consumption of the different applications, among other technical characteristics. "

In view of this alert, the expert proposes three recommendations to protect the devices against Emotet:

a) Use of security technologies: has a security solution Having several proactive detection technologies will allow you to locate any type of malicious behavior that may expose you to risk. or the security of user information.

b) Update Application: Maintaining applications, systems and peripherals is the best way to fix vulnerabilities that a cybercriminal can use to conduct an attack.

c) Knowledge and Education: It is essential that users know what techniques attackers use to spread and thus threaten to prevent infections.

In Costa Rica, it seems that cybercriminals are still trying to spread their threat in order to involve other unsuspecting users. Countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina have also been affected.

Given the type of threats, it is impossible to badess its extent, but if it is able to extend to the rest of the Central American countries, to the extent that cybercriminals seek to spread their threats to as many users as possible, seeking to increase the number of their victims and increase their economic viability.

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