The controller reveals alleged irregularities in the construction of the regional hospital of Antofagasta – National


The controller reveals alleged irregularities in the construction of the Regional Hospital of Antofagasta

Materials other than those required would have been used in the enclosure. The entity issued a change order of the problem, in addition to the instruction of a summary. Tvn


A report of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic revealed irregularities in the construction of the l & # 39; Regional Hospital of Antofagasta .

The entity points to the use of scores other than those required for the enclosure, that in some areas must have a defense against fires and a blockade of propagation of fire .

The document was prepared for MP Marcela Hernando (PRSD), who detailed that "the order of the controller is given that this should be changed, in addition to the instruction of a summary ".

The construction of the building was in charge of the Department of Public Works but under a concession model. The contract states that allows the regularization of any damage that may occur.

In this regard, Public Works Seremi Edgar Blanco indicated that if these damages are in the contract, there is an obligation to repair them.

The Sociedad Concesionaria Salud Siglo XXI reported that according to his badysis the separation walls conform to the specific regulations for each of the sectors and that without prejudice to them, may be observations

The measures ordered by the Controller have a period of 30 days.


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