The crimes of Héctor Orozco, the ex-general who asks to be the second forgiveness of Punta Peuco


The granddaughter and attorney general (1945-19003) Héctor Orozco, Alejandra Sepúlveda (19459004), officially requested the presidential pardon for his grandfather, former director of the Dine and former director of the National Television sentenced for two murders committed in dictatorship

The former military enters at the age of 89 years in Punta Peuco. On August 21, 2017, donned a robe and slippers to comply with the sentence handed down by the Valparaíso Court of Appeal, which sentenced him to 10 years and one day in jail .

Sepúlveda appealed, stating that the retired general was suffering from a type of Alzheimer's, according to two reports, one from a private clinic and another of the military hospital. However, the Legal Medical Service (SML) issued a report confirming that the former Director of Army Intelligence can continue to serve his sentence.

"The badessment does not present a mental disorder or degree of illness

Orozco was found guilty of the murders of Rigoberto Achú Liendo and Absolón Wegner Millar who had On December 13, 1973, in San Felipe, according to the decision, the victims, arrested in September and November of the same year respectively, were abducted from the place of their detention – Felipe Public Prison – between hours and 23 hours, for

The investigation adds that when they were returned to their place of detention, they were shot dead by the patrol carrying them, in a place near the airport. In June, President Piñera waved " humanitarian reasons " to pardon former Colonel René Cardemil, sentenced to 10 years and a day of imprisonment. prison as part of Cas Torres de San Borja where, inter alia, shot dead a six-month pregnant woman

However, the inmate died at the military hospital because of prostate cancer before the 39 entry of forgiveness. to the Minister io de Justicia.

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