The Cuban parliament of Avala changes its constitution


Havana.- The Cuban Parliament approved yesterday a draft of a new Constitution that recognizes private property within the framework of its economy, without abandoning its socialist course, and which will open the doors to the equality of marriage. In addition, President Miguel Díaz-Canel called on the population to maintain an "ethical battle" against corruption.

The constitutional text was approved unanimously at a regular session of the National Assembly; However, the project will now be the subject of a popular discussion from 13 to 15 November. Finally, a national referendum will take place before final approval.

"We are facing a project that will help, after the popular consultation, to strengthen the unity of Cubans around the revolution," Díaz said. Canel

The president, who succeeded Raul Castro on April 19, stressed that in this discussion "every Cuban will be able to freely express his opinions and contribute to reaching a constitutional text that reflects the present and the future of the Homeland. "

The draft 224 articles reaffirms" the socialist character "of the Cuban political system and the main role of the Communist Party in power and alone, while maintaining its economic fundamentals unchanged:" The socialist property of the people and the leadership planned economy "; nevertheless, he removes from the new Magna Carta the part that alludes to "communist society" as an end.

"This does not mean that we give up our ideas, only that in our vision we think of a socialist and sovereign country, independent, prosperous and sustainable," said Esteban Lazo, president of the National Assembly.

Lazo recalled that the context was different when the Constitution was approved in 1976, and "the world went through other situations." In the 1990s, there was "the destruction of the socialist camp and all the rest we know ", in reference to the economic crisis that the country has experienced.

After four decades of public ownership, Raúl Castro began reforms in 2008 to update the economic model of the island, who led the private work, however, these reforms, which Diaz-Canel must pursue, require a legal floor that does not exist in the Magna Carta.

The project lays the foundation for integrating different financial actors, recognizing t the role of the market in the socialist island economy, foreign investment and new forms of ownership, including private. The recognition of this form of ownership may give way to the legalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, resulting from the reforms.

The new Constitution will allow the generation of wealth through a private activity regulated by the socialist system, According to images broadcast by Cuban television, this issue has sparked wide debate in Parliament

. In the political field, the project will institute the formula of the President of the Republic (current head of the State Council and ministers), and the vice president, and restores the position of prime minister.

In addition, the project defines marriage as the union between two people, without specifying bad, legally opening the way to same-bad marriage.

In his speech to the National Assembly, Díaz-Canel said: "We will maintain and at the same time we call for an ethical battle against corruption, illegalities, addictions and indi He claimed that the government knows that it counts "with the unrestricted support of the citizens."

The president insisted that the organizations, organizations and institutions of the island act in "permanent defense of the island." unity "., Discipline, Integral Analysis and Demand".

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