The Culling 2 suffers from a rough launch


Xaviant surprisingly announces the release of The Culling 2 which seeks to take advantage of the fervor of Battle Royale to consolidate and have a good community of players. However, things went wrong for the study.

The game is available for almost 2 days; However, few players have been interested in him. To demonstrate this, there is the data offered by SteamCharts. The page indicates that the maximum number of players in the PC game was 249.

The disturbing fact is that during the last 24 hours it had 8 simultaneous players and in the last hour only 1 player registered on the servers of the title. The maximum peak of the players made it shortly after its premiere.

On the other hand, fans of the first installment showed their annoyance for the changes in the sequel. Currently, most of their comments on Steam are very negative.

For all this, we must add that the launch itself had some problems of access on the consoles. Xaviant worked to solve the disadvantages; However, the players were not completely satisfied with the game. Some players are happy with what he offers The Culling 2 but they complain about the lack of players. That's because his Battle Royale games need at least 50 participants.

We will see if Xaviant has plans to improve the reception of his title and attract the attention of more players. You can play The Culling 2 in exchange for $ 19.99

The Culling 2 is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Visit this link to learn more about this.


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