The cuts to the road to Minera Pelambres continue


The neighbors of Cuncumén, Tranquilla, Batuco and Coirón, in the municipality of Salamanca, continue this Saturday with the cut of the access road to Minera Pelambres

The mobilization began last Monday, but it became more acute on Friday when recording conflicts with FF.EE. Carabinieri who arrived at the place, where two wounded policemen and residents were arrested.

During the day of this Saturday a meeting was scheduled between Mayor Fernando Gallardo, Intendant Lucia Pinto and the neighbors to form a table of Labor, an example that did not occur concretized

It is because although the mayor wanted to hold the meeting in the municipality, the demonstrators wanted to meet in the city of Cuncumén

One of the spokesmen of the movement, Ricardo Cortés explained that "the meeting was to lift the petition, the requests we want to ask Pelambres, but they told us that they would receive us in Salamanca, the badembly did not want that."

"It was nothing, the meeting did not take place in Salamanca or Cuncumén," he said.

The protest highlights pollution from the Los Quillayes tailings dam belonging to the copper company. The last episode was lived last Monday, while a cloud of pollution covered the area.

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