The daily fight against obesity and overweight


But the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the cause of childhood obesity is not only explained by the consumption of unhealthy foods, by a style sedentary life or through reduced physical activity, but also by socio-economic factors predispose people to suffer from the disease. According to experts from the international organization, these factors include lack of adequate information, marketing of food products, distribution, or even urban planning, the environment and transportation. We must add the advertising that floods children's programs that advocate the consumption of unhealthy foods, with a high content of sugars and fats, counterproductive for the development and growth of children.

Raising awareness of the serious problem they face The World Health Organization commemorated World Obesity Day this week, noting that lifestyle changes, accelerating the pace of societies and the situation Socio-economic factors are also factors that lead to: abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in people of all ages, which poses a health risk. In the case of overweight or obese children, the problem adds an increased risk of early onset of so-called noncommunicable chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, l '# 39, hypertriglyceridemia, among other conditions. For this reason, it is essential that the prevention of childhood obesity begins in the early years of the child's life and that the family environment is informed and know what type of food is healthier for the child. 39, child, since it is proven that if the child Healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle are instilled early in childhood, they are easier to maintain later during adolescence and of adulthood. This way, people will have more tools to avoid being overweight. Nutritionists observe that the role of the family is fundamental in this process and that it is at home that the habit of practicing proper physical exercises at each age and avoiding junk food should start to instill. The task should continue in kindergartens and primary schools, where the importance of consuming all food groups should be emphasized, including increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts. or raw oils. It is also important for parents to know that, in addition to a varied diet, children must meet the four daily doses of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner so that food is safe. are distributed throughout the day. that the body gets the nutrients it needs. Adults need to know that lifestyle can be beneficial for health or predisposed to certain diseases. Hence the importance that the person with overweight or obesity knows that with less pounds, she can access a better quality of life.

It should be clear that overweight and obesity are related to inadequate diet by eating foods. and processed beverages, high in fat, sugar and salt. It is necessary that families and schools help to educate youth about the importance of healthy eating and adopting healthy habits from an early age.

According to the Argentine branch of the Interamerican Heart Foundation, consumption in our country of added sugar is about triple the recommended amount (about 35 teaspoons a day) and that is why Argentina is one of the five countries with the highest consumption of added sugar in the world. Faced with this reality, it is necessary to take daily measures to reduce the consumption of sugars and promote a healthier diet at all ages, in order to avoid overweight and obesity in children and adults. adults. 19659005] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: 315386301913502 & # 39 ;, channelUrl: // ;, xfbml: true , version: "v2.8"} ;; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) return; js = d.createElement (s); js. id = id ; js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);} (document," script ", & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)); [ad_2]
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