The dangers of blowing your nose very hard: your doctor


Learning to blow your nose is the key to maintaining good health.

We all blew the nose to be able to breathe well, but a medical case alarmed many specialists, it is a woman who has bled so strong that she is 39, is fractured the face and lost sight

The case was published in BMJ Case Report and it is explained that the 36-year-old woman lives in the UK and that & # 39; 39; she had very painful consequences after hearing a sound too loud

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Dangers of blowing her nose very hard [19659006] The woman was at work when she bled, but she did it very hard and caused ] orbital emphysema that is, to say that air was injected into the soft tissues and imprisoned

 nose blowing

Orbit means the hole there is in the skull where are the eyes. [19659003] After being blown up and immediately, the woman temporarily lost sight of both eyes and a few hours later, her left eye began to swell.

Then she began to bleed from the left nostril and pain

Upon arrival at the hospital, CT scans were performed and it was found that he had undergone a fracture of the left eye and that the bone around the eye was also broken. 19659003]  Blowing nose

Doctors warn that this type of fracture occurs only when there is a very strong trauma in the area.

The bone known as lamina papirácea ] is very thin, so a blow on the face or with a bullet can easily cause injury and swelling around the l? eye.

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] According to physician Sam Myers the main author of studies that dealt with the case of women, n Had never heard of a case like this by wiping his nose.

"You do not think that it can cause vision loss or bone. broken It is possible that the patient has a predisposition or weakening in the skeletal area around the eye since non-traumatic cases like this one are rare, "she adds.

To treat this woman's problem, they prescribe painkillers and it was not necessary to do the surgery, since most cases resolve over time.

Consequences of Nose Blowing Badly

In this regard, other specialists say that bad nose also has many consequences because it can cause […] disease, pneumonia and bronchiolitis

According to José Santos Secretary General of Professional Association of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid (CPFCM), if we look badly, secretions accumulate in the upper respiratory tract due to poor drainage causing sinusitis.

On the other hand, if these secretions accumulate in the Respiratory low, bronchiolitis or pneumonia can be triggered.

"We do not feel well and it's not just that the mucus that is not expelled from the body is annoying, but that it eventually causes rhinitis, otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, among other pathologies, "warns the specialist

 blowing nose

In addition, he points out that respiratory physiotherapy argues that the first thing to do is to learn to blow nose to avoid breathing problems.

What is the right way to blow your nose?

According to the specialist, it is useless to blow yourself up by covering both nostrils, but he You must do this by blocking one and then the other.You can also choose another option that consists of swallowing secretions.

"Doing this is much healthier than not expel them, "says the expert.

If respiratory problems begin, the physiothes reutilities recommend to perform a To do this, advise to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in the water, to fill a syringe and to introduce the water with salt without exceeding the force , through one of the two. nostrils with head tilted until water is expelled through the other opening

 blowing nose

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