The dangers of taking antibiotics incorrectly | Life


Antibiotics are important drugs. It would be difficult to exaggerate the benefit that penicillin and other antibiotics have played in the treatment of bacterial infections, preventing the spread of the disease and minimizing the serious complications of diseases.

However, some drugs that were standard treatments for bacterial infections, they are now less effective or do not work directly. When an antibiotic has no effect on a certain strain of bacteria, it is said that these bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is one of the major health problems in the world.

Excessive use and misuse of antibiotics are fundamental factors that contribute to antibiotic resistance. The general public, doctors and hospitals have a role to play in ensuring that drugs are used properly and minimizing antibiotic resistance.

What causes antibiotic resistance?

A bacterium is resistant to a drug when it has mutated in a way that protects or neutralizes the effect of the drug.

Any bacterium that survives antibiotic treatment can then multiply and transmit its resistance properties. In addition, some bacteria can pbad their drug resistance properties to other bacteria, as if they shared the answers of an examination to help them survive.

It is normal and I hope that the bacteria will become resistant to a drug. However, the way drugs are used affects the speed and extent of drug resistance.

Excessive use of antibiotics

Excessive use of antibiotics (in particular, take antibiotics even if they are not used) appropriate treatment) promotes antibiotic resistance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 19459005 and 33 percent of the administration of antibiotics to humans is unnecessary or inadequate.

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, not viral infections. For example, an antibiotic is the appropriate treatment for streptococcal tonsillitis caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes; but this is not the correct treatment for most sore throats, which are the consequence of a virus.

Some common viral infections that do not require antibiotic treatment are:
· Influenza (19459009) · Bronchitis
· Most cases of cough
· Most sore throats
· Some ear infections
· Some sinus cough infections
· Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)

Taking an antibiotic for a viral infection:

· Does not cure the disease Infection
· Do not prevent others from catching it
· May cause unnecessary or harmful side effects
· Promotes antibiotic resistance

If you take a antibiotic while you actually have a viral infection, the antibiotic will attack the bacteria present in your body, whether it's beneficial bacteria or those that do not cause the disease.

This untargeted treatment can promote antibiotic resistance properties in harmless bacteria, which in turn can share them with other bacteria, or create an opportunity for potentially dangerous bacteria to replace bacteria. harmless bacteria.

It is tempting to stop taking the antibiotic as soon as you feel well, but you must complete the treatment to eliminate the bacteria that caused the disease. If you do not take antibiotics according to the prescription, you may need to resume treatment and this may promote the antibiotic resistance properties prevalent among harmful bacteria.

Consequences of antibiotic resistance

For many years, the introduction of new antibiotics has exceeded the development of antibiotic resistance; but in recent years, the speed of drug resistance has contributed to a growing number of medical problems.

Each year, about 2 million infections occur in the United States due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. led to 23,000 deaths .

The other consequences of drug-resistant infections are:

· More serious diseases
· Longer recovery
· More frequent or longer hospitalizations
· Increased number of medical consultations
· More expensive treatments

Monitoring of antibiotics

The appropriate use of antibiotics, commonly called antibiotic monitoring, may help:

· Maintain the effectiveness of current antibiotics
· Prolong the life of today's antibiotics
· Protect the public from resistant infections Many hospitals and medical badociations have introduced new diagnostic and treatment guidelines to ensure that the treatments are effective against bacterial infections and reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics. antibiotics

The public is also involved in antibiotic surveillance. You can help reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance if you take the following steps:

· Do not pressure the doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Ask him for advice on how to treat symptoms.
· Practice Good Hygiene to Avoid Bacterial Infections Requiring Antibiotic Therapy
· Be sure to receive and your children receive the recommended vaccines. Some recommended vaccines protect against bacterial infections such as diphtheria and whooping cough.
· Reduces the risk of contracting a bacterial infection as a result of food poisoning. Do not drink raw milk, wash your hands and cook food until they reach the correct internal temperature
· Administer antibiotics only as prescribed by your doctor . Take the corresponding daily dose and complete the full course
· Never take the antibiotic left over from you for further treatment because it can not be the correct antibiotic and you will not receive the full treatment either.
· Never take prescribed antibiotics from anyone else.

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