The day Bachelet supported the former commander before AFEP


Last Friday, the condemnation of 3 years and one day to 11 former retired soldiers was notified, notably to Juan Emilio Cheyre, for his participation in the Caravan of Death, particularly in the Hiding the homicide of 15 people becoming the first first commander-in-chief to be sanctioned for this type of crime.

Cheyre throughout his military career generated links with Accord, even to create a close collaborative relationship with President Michelle Bachelet . His relationship of trust began in 2002, when Bachelet was part of the Ministry of Defense and Cheyre was at the head of the army.

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This close collaboration was marked on on March 16, 2002 when Michelle Bachelet was seconded. to Juan Emilio Cheyre only six days after baduming the post of chief of the army against the group of political families executed who accused him of being involved in human rights violation cases.

"I want to say that the government, President Lagos and the minister who is speaking are absolutely convinced that General Cheyre is a person of integrity and did not commit any crime or crime on which the people should be worried, "said Defense Minister Michelle Bachelet at the time.

Under the government of Ricardo Lagos, the general also maintained close relations with the president of the time. It began six years before baduming command in chief, according to El Líbero.

They both met in 1996 in Spain, while the general was a military attache and took part in a meeting between civilians and soldiers at the hotel in Victoria. Plaza de El Escorial, Madrid . But it was not until 2002 that Cheyre reconciled with Lagos, as part of his appointment as commander-in-chief of the army .

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D & # 39; on the other hand, the general was a friend of the senior adviser to La Moneda the sociologist Ernesto Ottone who met at Escuela Militar as cadets, 40 years ago

when Michelle Bachelet took over in the Defense portfolio, it was Ottone who was responsible for creating a collaborative bond between Cheyre and the exmandataria.

"Of all the commanders-in-chief, the general of the army is the one who visits the most.The two understand each other well.They have a mutual intellectual respect," describes the book. Insunza and Ortega.

Relations between the two countries have become increasingly narrow, to the point that the current UN High Commissioner visited Cheyre, who was recovering from an operation for him. talk about a report where he would talk about his relationship with Alex Vojkovic former member of the Patriotic Front Manuel Rodríguez in the magazine Que Pasa

After the publication of "The Past of Michelle Bachelet" Cheyre expressed his support for the former Minister of Defense, who emphasized his relationship with the owner. of the wallet, baduring that they worked in the defense in a state policy without ideologies.

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