The dead, beatings and houses burned: the violent night of revenge after the death of a young man in Renca


The murder of a 19-year-old boy causes violent revenge on the part of his relatives, who first catch the alleged perpetrator and then completely burn his house, that of his mother and that of a brother-in-law in Huamachuco City. in the district of Renca of the capital. The victim and the suspect both have a criminal record.

According to the report of the Carabineros, the events began around 9 pm last night at the corner of Los Cuncos with Fresia, where the young Erick Ponce Castillo was in the Jimmy Suárez Rojas, 36, who fled while the victim was transferred to SAPU Huamachuco

In the health center, the young man's death was confirmed by a bullet wound on the victim. thorax, after which his parents went out looking for the alleged perpetrator of the shot, that they located in the vicinity of the same place of attack, proceeding to stop him and to beat him before delivering him to Carabineros. The subject kept in his possession a pistol of 9 millimeters, which would have been used in the crime.

But the facts did not stop with the arrest of the suspect, who was also taken to an injury treatment center. The relatives of the murdered young man attacked the house and set it on fire, then did the same with his mother's house and that of a brother-in-law, all the houses located inside the house. the Huamachuco people completely destroyed by fire. These attacks did not report any detainees

. Police said the murdered youth had a criminal record for robbery and other crimes, as well as the aggressor, although the latter was also found guilty of homicide. On the instructions of the North Central Downtown Attorney's Office, the case will be reviewed by the IDP Homicide Squad and everything indicates a settlement of accounts.

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