The difference in performance between the GTX 1080 and the RTX 2070 is only 12%.


NVIDIA presented the series GeForce RTX 20 a few months ago, announcing three models: 2080Ti, 2080 and 2070 . This new series is based on the Turing architecture, which introduces a new hardware-level design, allowing us to access new features such as RayTracing (Ray Tracing) and DSLL.

Today, having already published the embargo on the GeForce RTX 2070 third video card of the roadmap of Nvidia, we do not see the results of these new technologies applied to the games .

The new RTX 2070 fulfills its goal of exceeding in all games the previous generation, the GTX 1080 but taking an advantage of only 12% performance for a cost of $ 110 more . If we look at the last-generation jump, the GTX 1070 far surpbaded the GTX 980Ti and had a significantly lower price.

Knowing this and comparing the GTX 1080 and the new RTX 2070 performance is very short given its price.

RayTracing and DLSS are the excuse

To date, no content has yet been published in which we can really take advantage of these new technologies presented by Nvidia at the launch from his new generation GeForce RTX the only thing we have until now are demonstrations that leave us in great anxiety.

The RTX 2070 has all the advantages of the new Turing architecture which also makes this map part of the "graphic revolution". We still do not know if this RTX 2070 will be able to support the graphical load badociated with RayTracing RayTracing given that it contains nearly half of the characteristics of the RTX 2080Ti.

The other characteristic that stands out in RTX, DLSS, which uses the tensor nuclei (tensor nuclei) housed in the GPU, Nvidia uses its neural networks to perform a oversampling which serves as an edge smoothing technique, thus having better performance and better graphic qualities using artificial intelligence.

We can see in the graph presented by Nvidia how RTX 2070 exceeds the previous generation by doubling its performance. Still with these results, we can not define anything until it is applied to a real-world test.

Additional performance of 12%

According to the tests we have as reference, this new RTX 2070 its performance is higher in the resolutions 4K up to 12% compared to the GTX 1080 and in the resolution 1440p is only 10% faster.

If we look back, the GTX 1070 with Pascal got 57% more performance at a resolution of 1440p compared to the GTX 970 a very large gap so only taking into account that its price was 450 US $

In my opinion, if you are one of those who have a serial card GTX 10 there is no reason to update, unless your budget is not an obstacle or you want to take advantage of the RTX platform.

Given these results, we can declare the RTX 2070 the best video card to date to be able to execute resolution titles 1440p

. We can not deny that there is an improvement in performance between Pascal and Turing the RTX 2070 manages to surpbad the GTX 1070 in at 35% at 4K and at 1440p . Anyway, the RTX 2070 is between the GTX 1080 and the 1080Ti, but at the price of 600USD which offers us more performance at a higher price. This price increase will be reflected in the way the RTX platform finally renders in real time and how much it will affect the performance of the previous generation.



To conclude, Nvidia justifies the price range by the promise of a reproduction of better titles thanks to the RTX platform, using RT, HDR and DLSS technologies (a less tedious system than the clbadic anti-aliasing.)

The proposal of this new generation is simple: offers games with more realistic effects through the hardware acceleration ensuring a timely rendering real thanks to RayTracing.

At the moment, we continue to sit idly by, waiting for content to make use of the new Nvidia technologies.

This note was made possible by Alonso Mendieta (MacchuTech) technological critic. .

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