The digital transformation of the business requires to properly evaluate and measure this process


The digital transformation is a concept increasingly present in the strategic agenda of CIOs of companies. Many companies are being implemented; others are just beginning to apply it in their business processes. And another group is looking for guidelines to evaluate the results and goals of this great technological change in their organizations. Here we offer the vision and advice of a group of experts on the subject, to help them in their journey.

Digital transformation is a business strategy that includes technology as a means of achieving it, as well as processes and people. IDC defines digital transformation as a continuous process by which organizations adapt or drive disruptive changes in their ecosystem – taking advantage of their digital skills – to innovate with new products, services and business models that converge physical and digital media . as customer and business experiences, while improving operational efficiency and organizational performance.

However, the digital transformation is not without difficulties, mainly for CIOs, who must change the way they work and interact with business lines to get closer to the new computer landscape. In this sense, knowing the demands and modes of use of users of different generations, optimizing processes and budgets, as well as the introduction of new products and technologies, are the priorities of companies to boost their activities .

Natalia Vega, IDC.

"The benefit of this transformation is to be able to understand, badist and grow with customers." The digital transformation contributes to the development of the company, either in the country or region to which it belongs. Operational efficiency and helps people to grow and develop.It also cooperates with the care and attraction of new talent, helps to maintain the loyalty of its customers and also contributes to the growth badociated with innovation and developing improvements in its products and services, "says Natalia Vega, Country Manager of IDC Chile & Peru.

Wagner Bernardes, Orange Business Services.

For his part, Wagner Bernardes, sales director of Orange Business Services for Argentina and Chile, stresses that the business goal to be achieved and the human factor are two key aspects that all CIOs must take into account when initiating a process of digital transformation.

"The commercial goal should be the North that guides the IOC in defining the strategy and technology that will support what you want to accomplish as a business." And the human factor is a very important aspect, Since the digital transformation does not only involve the implementation of new technologies, it is a paradigm shift that places the people who ultimately believe in those who will believe or not. benefits of digitization, those who favor or not its adoption, and finally those that generate or not changes in the way of working, "he says.

Raúl Sapunar, SONDA.

However, it must be clear that the mere incorporation of technology is not a digital transformation, emphasizes Raúl Sapunar, CEO of Sonda, but the key is to establish a strategy of transformation and to hear about the objectives and the expected results. "These may be, for example, to disruptively innovate in the business model, improve the" time to market " to produce an exceptional change in the business. customer experience or perform an operational transformation with impact Therefore, the CIO must understand that the digital transformation does not involve actions in the RRSS, big data or computer applications, but it is a change cultural and strategic that affects the entire organization and your collaborators. "A relevant aspect is that this change places the customer at the center and center of the organization, because through digitization, the processes are simplified and, therefore, the decisions. It is important not to divert the attention from the environment and its digital actions, but to badyze what is being done today that can be improved and to look for the tools and applications that enrich their processes, "says Bernardo Segura, president of Informat. "Digital transformation involves innovation in product manufacturing, service management and solution development, among others. This is a necessary tool for the future of the organization, which should invest less and less time in adaptation and more in renewal and continuous improvement ", explains the executive.

Bernardo Segura, Informat.

Experts also point out that today, in Latin America, many companies are moving forward into the second phase of their digital transformation, focusing their attention on data strategy as a option to generate value for the company. They warn that before this new wave, it will be essential for the ISD to ensure that the flow of data is structured so that the information is even more relevant for making decisions, maximizing sales and improve the customer experience.

How to Evaluate the State of Your Digital Transformation

There are methodologies or procedures for evaluating the state of a company with respect to its digital transformation process.

Nelson Álvarez, Duoc UC.

Nelson Álvarez, Career Director of the School of Computer and Telecommunications Maipú campus of Duoc UC, explains that three steps can be identified, although it is necessary to do so. make a diagnosis to find out the degree (19659019) This diagnosis can be made using questionnaires that determine a numerical transformation indicator, allowing to see how much an organization is digital and how much human capital is prepared. For example, the questionnaire developed by the MIT Center for Digital Business and Capgemini consulting firm, which consists of 32 questions to determine the level of transformation of a company.

It must be considered that, beyond the investments or technology implemented, the most important thing in a process of digital transformation is the change in the operation of the whole organization, from the point of view of how to do business.

Already with a diagnosis, comes what the expert calls inicio : Once the degree of maturity determined, a real implementation must be sought beyond the pilots or the tests, in order to transform technological resources into institutional practices and not into isolated initiatives. It is important to have the support and commitment of senior management, and that digital processes are considered corporate actions and not just in the field of technology, to take a first step towards transformation. digital.

Álvarez then identifies transition . We need to ensure access to data in the organization so that everyone can focus on improving the customer through decision-making based on real-time information. Improving the use of collaborative tools is essential, in addition to training employees and involving them in digitization as an organizational culture.

Finally, the places of expertise institutionalize . Where the organization must be able to respond quickly to changes in the environment that arise from the use of technology or data badysis, and make all the digital organization . It is recommended to adapt processes and people to the use of digital tools in the field of human resources management.

The five levels of the maturity scale of digital transformation. Source: IDC.

In the same vein, Vega, from IDC, agrees on the relevance of the IOC to be able to measure its state of maturity of digital transformation. "The importance of measuring the state of the art of its digital transformation, is that it shows how digital transformation will contribute to your company's strategic goals and what are the sectors that need to move forward with higher priority. In addition, the measurement allows you to show the status of your business and its business areas. This will also allow you to identify and to describe what that means or what impact it has on your company's strategy of being in a particular state versus another possible state in its digital transformation, "he says.numerical transformation, IDC uses a scale of Five levels of maturity: ad hoc, opportunistic, repeatable, managed and optimized For each step, IDC's Digital Transformation MaturityScape addresses how business capabilities of a particular dimension (such as Leadership, for example) must change to improve the ability of the company to exploit digital technologies to gain a competitive advantage.

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