The dilemma of Apple in the thin line that separates tablets and laptops


After years of interaction with the fingers, the iPad Pro offers the use of a stylus and a physical keyboard Source: AP

Finally, the iPad already has a USB key. It's already a real computer, able to compete with conventional laptops. although many people still only use it to navigate and watch series. When eight and a half years ago, Apple introduced
the first version of his tablet was the big criticism: "It has no USB port." For many, it seemed ridiculous and pretentious to try to usher in a new category of personal computers with this iPad that could not even connect a USB stick, hard drive or printer. And now – that the new
The iPad Pro introduced yesterday already has the modern USB-C connection, very few people will be able to connect your brand new tablet to any of these accessories.

We live in the world Steve Jobs dreamed of in 2010 for the original iPad. The cloud is removed in the USB key; and the printers, if used, are via WiFi. Yesterday, his successor, Tim Cook, said: "This is the iPad we would have liked to do since the beginning." He had to spend all this time of a technological evolution in which Apple first added a camera, then a decent screen; so he lightened it; He also taught him to exchange files with other devices without this being a trial; then he gave him the power, and even
a digital pen (after years convincing us that
it was better to use the finger). Finally, it has been refined again, with a straight design reminiscent of the 2010 – while making it look like a dinosaur.

The iPad could have shut down due to this evolution. In fact, its sales began to decline in 2014, until 2018, when they resumed their rebound. Yesterday, Tim Cook and his team introduced us to the renewed iPad Pro as their new pampered son. Already considered as a full-fledged computer, which even earned the respect of serious people – Adobe and Autodesk presented their full versions of Photoshop and AutoCAD for iPad – and gave a second chance to become the favorite PC of the company. 39; audience

Collect professional users

  The Pro iPad revamped during Apple's presentation in Brooklyn, New York
The iPad Pro revamped during Apple's presentation in Brooklyn, New York [19659002] Source: Reuters

Rumors that there was yesterday a new modern MacBook for less than a thousand euros. But this fundamental step in the range of Apple laptops has left it exclusively in the hands of the iPad, which, after its two renewals in 2018, becomes its computer input and off-road, especially for the world of education and for creative professionals, who led each of the speeches with iPad this year.

Despite this privileged role, yesterday it was noticed that Tim Cook began his presentation by saying that "everything starts with the Mac" and has devoted a great deal of it. present the renovation of two laptops languishing in oblivion and having not been renewed for years:
MacBook Air (last major update in 2015) and the
Mac mini (unchanged since 2014), both Macs are more affordable. They called Cook "two of the most popular products by our users."

This abandonment also symbolizes the feeling of a good part of the Mac business user community. 3D designers, video creators and animators In recent years, their machines have fallen behind Windows desktops. or that they have complained about some innovations of the latest generations of Apple laptops. All the clichés of yesterday's keynote have been redirected to these creative professionals, who have reoriented the renewed MacBook Air and Mac mini, whose price increases with the professionalization. The next big Apple move, the renewal of Mac Pro (his most powerful computer), will also be presented.
planned for 2019.

The iPad as a substitute for the laptop

  The iPad Pro tablet is a serious competitor for laptops, but its high price can be an obstacle for those who want to replace their laptops
The iPad Pro tablet is a serious competitor of laptops, but its high price can be an obstacle for those wishing to replace their notebooks Source: Reuters

Apple yesterday distributed equal compliments for its new iPad and its love of
maqueros from a lifetime. For some badysts, tablets and laptops of the bitten apple are heading towards an inevitable train crash because their uses are starting to overlap and they doubt that both formats can survive. And apparently, in this speech, Apple for the moment will not take sides in this fight. Neither opts for one format or another, but places them in different places in its range of laptops; And even less to take the decision of Solomonic to manufacture a hybrid computer consisting of laptops and tablets, as Microsoft does with its Surface manufacturer and other major PC manufacturers.

In this dilemma Apple, the balloon is actually on the roof users. With the current proliferation of personal electronic devices –

the one of a lifetime

mobile phone


laptop and the
Smart speaker – it makes sense to work with a tablet and also with a laptop. In the comments of our news on the iPad in recent days, for some readers, the tablet is already replacing the laptop, while for others, it will never be.

Whatever the opinion expressed, the truth is that you opt for a laptop or tablet we are not totally free. Although the idea of ​​using a tablet as a working computer seems good and that it perfectly corresponds to our tasks, we acquired the change by becoming familiar with our habits, our gestures and our movements, by learning to work with a clbadic team. Not everyone has time to stop and recycle, even though it was only two weeks old.

The investment is also considerable. If we want to replace the laptop at the price of the new iPad Pro (from 889 euros), we must add the case to pencils and keyboard, in addition to opt for at least the version of 256 gigas of disk. By adding an adapter, necessary for the modern USB-C, we put about 1500 euros. And those who have opted for this path with previous generations of the iPad Pro will now see that neither the pen nor the keyboard case will serve them for new models (the new accessories will not work with the old ones). tablets).

A new chip against hackers

  The MacBook Air notebook, shifted since 2014, has been replaced by a Retina display
The MacBook Air notebook, shifted since 2014, has been reorganized with a Retina display Source: Reuters

The fabulous evolution from the iPad in eight years, which culminated with the novelties of yesterday, lets us desire a little calm. Putting candles for the USB-C has a long life as a unique connector and makes it the definitive embodiment of the digital pen. Ask Apple – and the industry in general – to stop reinventing each year the smartphone, the laptop, the clock and the tablet. At this point, where they all seem to have reached maturity and become so integrated into our lives, we must demand more in terms of security and confidentiality.

In this perspective, the two new Macs introduced yesterday include the T2 security chip, which sets up hardware barriers to hackers (not just software) to prevent them from taking control of the computer. In one
technical document released yesterday by Apple (PDF), the company ensures that the T2 completely disconnects the microphone when closing the laptop, in order to prevent any malicious program to use it for listen. This is perhaps the most astonishing and disturbing novelty that Apple has just announced.

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