The dinosaur leg almost a meter wide is the largest known


"Great foot". Researchers have called the dinosaur whose fossils were found at a site near Wyoming – in the midwestern region of the United States – including the remains of one of its paws, which is close to home. one meter wide. It is the largest known to date on the entire planet and suggests that it belonged to a large animal.

It took 20 years of studies since the discovery in 1998 to find out more about "Bigfoot": a species similar to a brachiosaurus, a high altitude herbivorous dinosaur, a member of the family of long-necked saurpods and tails, and one of the largest terrestrial animals that inhabited the planet 150 million years ago and, in particular, all this band of what is now North America .

"Our study indicates that this animal was four meters tall at the hip, with a total length of 25 meters." This is not the largest dinosaur found in America. North by length or mbad, but it is among the largest known, "says paleontologist Anthony Maltese, lead author of the research published today by Peer J.

. Other dinosaurs of even greater size, such as those that were unearthed in Argentina or Australia, these gigantic fossils were found without their paws

Maltese, who works at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center, in Colorado; He was one of the members of the team from the US of Kansas who found the fies "Bigfoot" in 1998.

Through a detailed badysis, using 3D scans and detailed measurements to compare this specimen with the remains of Many other species, the results confirm that it is the largest dinosaur foot ever discovered. international team of researchers from the United States , from Switzerland and from Germany.

"This information is useful for answering questions about the size and behavior of saurpods, since we can now study their presence in this part of the continent and determine if brachyiosaurs in particular were more dispersed in the region or may be migrated across the territory, "says Maltese.

The paleontologist also believes that this discovery helps to understand" what happens with the bones of an animal when they are under immense stress while walking It is surprising that, in answering a few questions for this study, other questions have emerged. "

The rocky outcrops that led to the discovery of the" Big Foot "fossil contain" many more dinosaur skeletons. " "fantsticos", says Maltese, who with his team hopes to continue his studies on fossils in the region.

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