The director of the resignation of Conadi following the tensions in La Araucanía – National


© Agencia UNO   President of Conadi's resignation despite tensions in Araucania

Jorge Retamal hinted at personal reasons for his departure from the post he had already occupied during the first mandate of President Piñera. Tvn


Jorge Retamal Director of the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (Conadi) resigned from this post, which will take effect to the next 30 November.

According to the newspaper Austral de Temuco the decision of Retamal, belonging to Evópili, is due to "personal reasons", which would have been raised from the beginning with regard to his second term, considering that He had previously been director of the agency during the first government of President Sebastián Piñera.

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The exit of Retamal is part of the climate of tension that reigns in the region of Araucania after the death of the citizen Camilo Catrillanca and the political consequences that ensue.

Sources ensured the environment. regional that Retamal himself had said that he would return to Conadi only a few months "to order the institution".

It is expected that the outgoing director himself will provide an official version of his situation.

Social Development Minister Alfredo Moreno regretted Retamal's departure, stating that "was a beloved person of the communities".


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