The dispute between men and women in the dominant family of Hites | Economy


A crisis that divides the family for a few weeks Hites controller of the multi-store of the same name, confronts women against men of the family.

Everything would have started after a request for arbitration filed with the Center for Arbitration and Mediation (CAM) by Claudia and Mónica Hites against their brothers, Andrés and Jaime .

According to information from La Tercera, the sisters accuse that they were historically relegated from the company's administration.

The brothers, meanwhile, also asked for arbitration in response to the decision of Monica and Claudia.

According to a source quoted in this way, "whoever was the generator of the estate decided, for reasons which made it strong, that some children had a more active participation and that this decision was understood, accepted and respected by the other children throughout his life. "

" It is not a matter of relegating some or all of the secondary roles otherwise, this participation has generated significant benefits for The whole family is about how each person decides how to manage their badets, "he explained.

"The sisters, on the other hand, have received significant profits, so it is strange that today they are trying to legally challenge the decisions pbaded by Don Isaac . "

Meanwhile, according to other sources, that the sisters would specifically seek to know in detail their own situation and would have access to data regarding their heritage, since this would be information controlled by the brothers.

In the same sense, they would seek to have a greater impact in administrative decisions.

To these actions was added a new episode, when last Thursday the father and co-founder of the company, Isaac Hites, with the two brothers, sued his daughter Claudia for not paying two millionaire loans .

Therefore, the patriarch asked the court to seize at least the property of his daughter in Las Condes.

The whole situation, advance the sources of the medium, could even lead to a possible complaint for misappropriation.

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