The dog pushes its owner into a wheelchair (VIDEO)


A video that circulates on social networks has unleashed the sensibility of netizens when they see a dog pushing its owner with a wheelchair while he walks down a street in Davao City.

This is the Digond dog, the faithful companion of Danilo Alarcón, residing in the Philippines, who lost mobility of his legs a few years ago after suffering a spinal injury in a motorcycle accident .

Miss Faith L Revilla "who posted her on her Facebook account and currently has more than 16 thousand views and comments that flatter this act of love between the animal and its owner. [19659002FaithRevillawhowaswithherhusbandcapturedthemovingmomentandmanifestedthattheyfelt"blessed"tohavewitnessedthissceneandaddedthatthatdaytheystoppedfortalktoDanilo46andthentheyinvitedhimtolunch

With information from SDP News

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