The dollar drops to 650 dollars while the Chilean peso ignores the new copper fall


Despite morning fluctuations, the exchange rate closed the session with a drop of nearly $ 5, in line with other currencies in the region.

Although there was a moment during the morning when the dollar managed to exceed the $ 654.5 of the day before, at the end of the session, the local exchange rate gave way at bearish pressures and dropped back to $ 650, regardless of the worsening of the copper drop. The US currency hit an intraday high of $ 654.7, under the influence of the seventh consecutive daily decline in red metal, but ended up depreciating $ 4.5.

This occurs in a boom of emerging currencies in general. Latin America in particular

Parallel to the weakening of the multilateral dollar, expressed by the dollar index – which measures the reference currency against a basket of six world currencies – the main currencies of the emerging world have won Rennes in front of the greenback. In addition, according to Bloomberg figures, only a handful of currencies in this segment lost ground, driven by a 1.3% decline in the Turkish lira.

In Latin America, the effect was even more pronounced: they all gained ground. The Mexican peso in particular, celebrated an escalation of 2.04% after Monday's local markets were hit by the victory of Manuel López Obrador.

After 13:30, followed by the Argentine peso, with an increase of 1.01%, and the Colombian peso which rose by 0.99%.

According to the local market agents, it is the good performance of the regional currencies, mainly that which has strengthened the Chilean peso in local parity,

In recent months, in the midst of turmoil in the global financial markets and As risk appetite declines, emerging currencies have been sharply depreciated against the dollar.

there are those who postulate that this could open an attractive entry point, which could increase the price of the currencies, the future is not clear where this type of "money" active goes.

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