The dollar in Chile today – Diario Financiero


In the first transactions, the dollar in Chile operates at $ 680.5, a decrease of $ 0.7 from yesterday's close.

After the sharp drop of 17 dollars recorded by the Chile dollar yesterday, the North American currency operates in its opening with the slight increase before the fall of the copper futures and the strengthening of the North American currency in the world.

In the first operations, the exchange rate is active in. 680.5 USD, a decrease of 0.7 USD compared to the closing of yesterday.

At the international level, anticipation reigns. And today is the mid-term election in the United States, during which more than 80% of Congress is renewed.

Being dominated by Democrats, which some perceive as a threat to the pro-market reforms that the Donald Trump government has advocated, uncertainty surrounds its impact on the economy.

In this context, emerging currencies are working. with little movement, while the overall price of the dollar, measured by of the dollar index, increases by 0.11%.

Regarding the Chilean case, another decline in the price of copper, which is currently losing ground in London.

Although the Chinese government has recently again committed to stimulating the effects of the trade war, investors in the metals market remain cautious. concerned about the effect this has on the demand for minerals from the largest consumer on a global scale.

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