The economist of Cuba – Mexico should benefit more from trade pacts before differences with the United States


Mexico should take more
pacts match
commercial before
differences with the USA

By Luis Rojas

[16.07.2018] –

23h50 Cuba

MEXICO – Mexico must
better enjoy
wide range of agreements
increase in
the differences with your
principal partner, States
United, they considered
experts consulted by

According to the director
general Council
Mexican company
Foreign trade (Comce),
Fernando Ruiz, during
the next XIII Summit
Pacific Alliance,
Mexico has the
Possibility of
diversify your market
on the outside, which follows
concentrated in large
measure in the states

"The alliance has a
mechanism of
the participation
company that does
they have other agreements
integration and that's why
becomes the
more dynamic because the
sector participation
private was the key ",
He told Xinhua

"There are more than 50 pbades
observers and some
of those who can be
become partners in
complete or pbad
badociated, "added
representative of the Comce,
a sector organization
private dedicated to
trade promotion
outdoor investment
technological development.

The leaders' summit
of the Alliance of
Pacfico will be played in
the mexican spa
Puerto Vallarta, in the
Pacific Coast, the
July 24th and 25th This one
integration mechanism
economic, created in
April 2011, is
conformed by Chile,
Colombia, Mexico and Peru
although he has 52
Observer States.

According to the data of
the government
ProMxico, the Alliance
Pacific is the
fifth subregion ms
populated the world, with
about 225
millions of people, and
represents 38 by
percent of the product
gross domestic product (GDP)
Total Latin America
and the Caribbean.

For Ruiz, Mexico must
of the event, every time
he did not take the juice
enough to ms
12 free treaties
trade, which include
46 pbad Example,
mexican business man
cit the free agreement
trade only since 2011
to have with Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Honduras, El
Salvador and Nicaragua.

"Before, of all
purchases made by
Central American country
in the world, Mexico was
supplier more or less
from 10 per
hundred, "said Ruiz.
we walk in 8
cent, it's
our presence in
place to grow
lowered. "

According to the data of the
Secretary (Ministry)
from Economa, since 2011
Central America have
stayed in
dollars a year.

Mexico is also home to
currently with 32
pacts for the promotion
and reciprocal protection
investments (APPRIs)
with 33 pbades and nine
reach agreements
limited in the context of
l & # 39; Association
Latin America
Integration (ALADI).

Diversification for
Mexico is vital, about
all when the states
United has launched a
series of disagreements
commercial with several
you pbad in the world as
China, Mexico itself
and the European Union (EU),
in a conflict that does not
he had been seen since
the Organization was founded
World Trade Organization (WTO),
in 1995, according to Ruiz.

The imposition of
Administration of
President Donald Trump
to many of its partners
slowly is
causing a rearrangement
commercial and
investment that goes
support from here
forward, with a view to
General Manager of
Institute for
Industrial development and
Economic growth
(IDIC), Jos Luis

"You must be very clear
that this is going
bring about changes,
so pretend that
things will continue
as before, it will be
illusory, "said
expert in Xinhua. "Are going to
have to generate
new platforms,
new partnerships
collaboration between
pbad, not only
among those who are affected,
try to be more
inclusive, "he added.

the partners will have to give
"Chinese style", in
where cooperation does not
just be commercial but
which extends to
cultural and
serve as a counterweight
the development of
new links he said
the cross.

Even so, for the
Director of IDIC
Mexico's relationship with
your neighbors
United, the fate of
80 percent of their
non exports
oil companies, follow
being inevitable, for
which is also due
search the way
rebuild an agenda
bilateral with a vision
more integral.

"It must also be
something that somehow
involve everything
Aspects that States
United look
", said
expert, for whom "they go
have to search
new diaries
collaboration and
reconstruction of
relationship. "

(Xinhua, July 15)

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